Welcome to our blog. We had to select a creative industry professional from five clips on You Tube. The creative industry professional we selected is BNN. The question comes from the senior vice president of BNN, Marc Adriani.
BNN makes radio programs, television programs and has a website. Of course BNN also has a hyves page and has followers on twitter. The values that BNN would like to represent are: surprising, tough, humour and differently. In the future BNN would like to have more interaction with the audience. They would like to integrate information in their television programmes. The question is HOW?
How can BNN use social media to enrich the television programmes?
Who are we?
We are Fay Tulling, Judith Al, Charlotte Grootscholten, Alexandra van der Vloed and Kirsten van Wijk. Five enthusiastic young woman who want to learn more about strategies in a creative industry.
We made this blogs specially for our study media en culture at the Erasmus university Rotterdam. Through this blog we will keep everybody in touch with the latest articles, blogs, YouTube videos, flash animations and Twitter feeds about the interesting topic: Social media.
We hope you’ll find our blog interesting and it will give you new and interesting view on the topic Social media!
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